Data Partner in Revenue Management

Recently, a significant development has stirred the industry: a major pricing data provider announced its entry into direct competition with revenue management systems (RMS) and channel managers. This shift has sparked concerns about potential conflicts of interest among their RMS and channel manager clients.

As the industry evolves, it’s crucial to reassess how we choose our data partners. The importance of having a dedicated data partner who focuses solely on providing accurate and unbiased data cannot be overstated. Here’s why:

The Conflict of Interest Dilemma

When a major data provider starts offering its own RMS and channel management solutions, it inevitably raises questions about the impartiality of the data provided. Clients who once relied on this provider for unbiased data now face a competitor with access to their sensitive information. This dual role can lead to conflicts of interest, where the provider’s business interests may not align with those of their clients.

The Need for Stability and Trust

Stability in partnerships is key to long-term success. In an industry where data accuracy can make or break revenue strategies, trust is non-negotiable. A dedicated data provider, whose sole focus is on delivering high-quality data intelligence solutions, offers a level of stability and trust that cannot be matched by competitors who have diversified their offerings. By choosing a partner with no competing interests, businesses can ensure their data is both reliable and unbiased.

Commitment to Client Success

A data partner dedicated solely to data provision is wholly committed to the success of their clients. Their primary goal is to enhance the client’s revenue management and channel distribution strategies through the provision of accurate and actionable data. This commitment ensures that the data partner is always working in the best interest of their clients, without the distraction of competing business interests.

Making the Right Choice

In light of the recent changes in the industry, it’s more important than ever to choose a data partner who is committed to providing unbiased and transparent information. At Aggregate Intelligence, we specialize in delivering accurate, AI driven price intelligence solutions tailored for the hospitality industry. Unlike providers who may become your competitors, we are dedicated solely to being your trusted data partner, ensuring that our interests are always aligned with yours.

Our focus is exclusively on providing high-quality, unbiased data intelligence solutions, with no competing interests—just pure dedication to your success. If you’re looking for a partner, not a competitor, we invite you to contact us today.


The changing landscape of revenue management underscores the critical importance of choosing the right data partner. With major players entering direct competition with their clients, the potential for conflicts of interest is a growing concern. By opting for a dedicated data provider, businesses can ensure they receive the unbiased and accurate data needed to drive their revenue strategies and achieve long-term success.

For more information on how we can support your business with our innovative solutions, please reach out to us. Let’s work together to navigate this evolving industry landscape with confidence.