The right data delivered at the right time, in the way you need it

We specialize in providing accurate and timely data solutions for rate shopping, demand forecasting, and review monitoring.

Whether you need scalable API delivery of rate, review and events data or access to an intuitive business intelligence tool, our AI-powered data is driving profitability for hotels and enabling expansion for travel tech companies through enhanced customer-facing solutions.

Fully scalable API for rate shopping, reviews & events

Real-time solutions for more accurate decision making

Flexible & easy manage pricing

AI-driven smarter data

Customizable data shopping

Data Solutions

Browse our Data Solutions for Hospitality Industry

How leading travel companies
worldwide use our data solutions

Contact Us

We are always happy to receive enquires and answer questions. If you would like to get in contact with us, please fill in the form below and a member of the Aggregate Intelligence team will get in contact with you